Friday, November 1, 2013

Marleys Suprise Jacket

I just finished knitting Marley this jacket. The pattern is called Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmermann.
Its called a surprise jacket because it is knitted in a single piece and then you sew the top of the sleeves together and surprise you have a jacket. It wasn't that hard of a knit once I figured out the concept of the pattern. I added a hood and I knitted an attached I-cord around the jacket and sleeves.

I like that it is knitted in one piece, which I found very fascinating. How does someone think of something like that. You knit, make a turn, knit some more , make another turn and knit some more. Know wonder Elizabeth Zimmermann is one of the best knitters of all time.
As you can see Marley will be out growing this jacket soon. I was hoping that it would be bigger, but when there is really know way of knowing what size I was knitting I was just hoping that it would last her all winter.

I bought the pattern a School House Press and the yarn that I used was Caron Simply Soft.